It is that cold miserable time of year again, when we celebrate Winter Holidays like Snailmas, Ducky New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Holiday, or what ever you want. The December SnailLUG meeting is on SUNDAY Dec 11, starting at noon, and going till whenever. Hosted by Sam and Vicki and their beautiful kitty.
There will be a gift exchange. IF you want to participate, please bring a LEGO related , wrapped gift , worth about $20, to the meeting. It can be a MOC, or a set, or just pieces. You can just buy a $20 set to bring, but the more unique the better. Discontinued or rare things, and awesome little MOCs, and DUPLO dragons or sharks are much more popular than just a current $20 set you picked up at the store yesterday.
Please bring a food or beverage item to share. Since this is a party, not just a meeting, please try to bring an actual pot-luck item if possible. That way we have something delicious to eat for lunch. Please please please post what you are planning to bring , so that we don’t just have 10 trays of brownies, and no main courses.
We will be discussing our current display that is at AoW, as well as planning future events.
Due to the cost of having a website, we will discuss having reasonable yearly dues starting in January.
Please bring Holiday themed MOCs to show off. If they have snails or duckies in them, they will be very appreciated.
I will set up my laptop to stream part of the meeting for those folks who can not attend in person.
If you need Sam and Vicki’s address, please message me, and I will send it.
Masks are optional, but please please please stay home if there is any chance you currently have Covid or the flu.
Please DO NOT wear strong perfume or cologne, as some members have allergies.
Hope to see ya there.
PLEASE RSVP (on facebook) and let us know what food or beverage you are planning on bringing.