Blob Fest and Street Fair 2019
Colonial Theatre 227 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA, United StatesKelly will have here Blob MOCs on display in the lobby of the theater.
Kelly will have here Blob MOCs on display in the lobby of the theater.
Kelly will have here Blob MOCs on display in the lobby of the theater.
Fun activities including live music, painting ceramic pumpkins, gourd slingshot, Lego building, virtual reality, apple cider and beer tastings, and more. Kelly and KC will be running a free build and mini builds.
Kelly, KC, Carol, and Tony will host a Christmas tree mini build and free build with play brick at the Goggleworks winter arts fest.
LUG Display in conjunction with SCIFIpawty and One by One Cat rescue. This event has been postponed until 2021.
Blobfest 2020: Home Edition This annual event will be held virtually this year. The Blob MOCs will be attending as usual, just virtually. Times, tickets and event schedules can be found on the Colonial Theatre's website.
Due to COVID-19 this event will be virtual and once again we will be part of the virtual artists and street fair presented during the weekend event.
Blobfest is once again virtual this year. Our virtual LEGO street fair will be used to promote the event and will be featured during Blobfest all weekend.
Once again SnailLUG will be presenting Blob themed MOCs at the annual celebration of all things Blob. This event is a fundraiser for the theatre which is a non-profit.
We will be setting up the city display with PennLUG at America On Wheels. Anyone interested in participating please bring your MOCs to the museum that day. We can begin set up at 10am.
Time to take down the display at America On Wheels. Please plan to attend to retrieve your MOCs at the museum that day. We can begin tear down at 10am.