Brickfair VA
Dulles Expo Center 4320 Chantilly Center Chantilly, VA 20153
Dulles Expo Center 4320 Chantilly Center Chantilly, VA 20153
It is time for our August get together. It will be on a SUNDAY this month. ( next month will be Saturday to help accommodate those folks who often have Sunday conflicts) Brickfair Virginia is over, and it is time to plan for Brickfair PA ! ! ! The meeting starts at noon, because some …
Anyway, the September SnailLUG meeting will be this SATURDAY , ( due to requests for a non-Sunday meeting ) starting around noon, and going till whenever. This is the best time to bring things that you need me to set up at Brickfair PA in our collab. We will have the Fairy Garden, as well …
LEGO Cemetery on display plus our monthly meeting. All at the Goggleworks in Reading, PA
The November SnailLUG meeting has been moved up a week early, because of a schedule conflict with Mepacon Game Convention. It is on a SATURDAY this month, to make it easier on some members who have a long drive and work early on Mondays. The convention season is just about over for the year, but …
We will be setting up the city display with PennLUG at America On Wheels. Anyone interested in participating please bring your MOCs to the museum that day. We can begin set up at 10am.
It is that cold miserable time of year again, when we celebrate Winter Holidays like Snailmas, Ducky New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Holiday, or what ever you want. The December SnailLUG meeting is on SUNDAY Dec 11, starting at noon, and going till whenever. Hosted by Sam and Vicki and their beautiful kitty. There …
Time to take down the display at America On Wheels. Please plan to attend to retrieve your MOCs at the museum that day. We can begin tear down at 10am.
12-2pm at the The LGBT Center of Greater Reading. Parking behind the church. If lot is full there is street parking. To access the building you will need to ring the bell.