Philly Brick Fest 2020
Our only local LEGO convention held at Oaks. Due to covid-19 this event has been moved to Thu, Sep 30, 2021, 12:00 PM – Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 10:00 PM EDT
Our only local LEGO convention held at Oaks. Due to covid-19 this event has been moved to Thu, Sep 30, 2021, 12:00 PM – Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 10:00 PM EDT
Officers will meet to continue discussion of website and meetings during this pandemic.
Due to COVID-19 only small group of officers are meeting this month.
Officers and members will meet the second Sunday of each month. Members in attendance were: KC Ross, Kelly Hoffman, Carol Ross, Brick Stanley Topics of Discussion: Website, Group Meetings
Blobfest 2020: Home Edition This annual event will be held virtually this year. The Blob MOCs will be attending as usual, just virtually. Times, tickets and event schedules can be found on the Colonial Theatre's website.
Due to COVID-19 this event will be virtual and once again we will be part of the virtual artists and street fair presented during the weekend event.
We will be holding a SnailLUG Meeting virtually thru Facebook Rooms.
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month. We are moving this meeting up a little earlier because of something a family member needs to do that day. Usually the meetings are closer to lunch time. This one starts at 9:30 am EDT.
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month. Virtually for the time being. Discussion to include upcoming events.
Will be held on Facebook Rooms (messenger) SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month. Topics of discussion to include the upcoming Halloween Brickworld virtual convention display we will be having.
SnailLUG will be having a LUG display at this virtual con. Get your MOCs ready and delivered to KC before October 25, 2020. More information or to attend: Brickworld Halloween Virtual Con on Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. CT. The Brickworld Halloween Virtual Con will present an online array of …
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month. Discussion to include our club layout for the Brickworld virtual con held on Halloween and other club information. Upcoming Events. AWO & Brickworld Holiday