Tag: meetings

SnailLUG June Meeting

The June SnailLUG meeting is being hosted by Sam and Vicki and their new kitty Lorelei.
Feel free to bring food or beverage to share at the meeting. Please bring a mask since this meeting is inside someone’s home. I do not know if they will require it or not, but better safe than sorry.
I will also try to have my laptop at the meeting to host a messenger room during the meeting for those people who can not attend in person.
This is the last chance to get your MOCs to me for Brickworld Chicago colab display. It could be anything for a fairy village, like life sized plants or life sized small animals ( bunny, bird, mouse, etc ) , and/or a small scene with fairy type folk in it. The figs can be regular minifig sized, or friends sized, or Duplo or Belville. It is a very inclusive village. Or a train car that a snail would pull, in “my own train” 9V scale, nothing too huge.
We are also doing a small Stand with Ukraine display, so anything for that would be great too.
The more everyone is publicly active in the club, the better chance we have of getting approved for R-LUG status.
Hope to see you Saturday.

SnailLUG May Meeting

In person and virtual meeting.

The May meeting for SnailLUG will be IN PERSON, weather permitting, so that we can be outside for eating and socializing. Masks are required inside the house, which is why I am hoping we can be on the patio. It is moved to the THIRD SUNDAY , so that the folks who said they would have trouble making the 14th can attend. PLEASE RSVP.
I will be providing some food and beverages, but it would be great if you also bring something to share with everyone.
We would love to see what you have been building lately, and IF there is interest I can make sure we have a game to play, and/or we could do a parts draft. Let me know what you want.
IF you do not know where Snailtopia is, google the Quakertown Farmers Market. It is right near us, walking distance. …. and you can park there too if my yard is full.
Hope to see you all here in May. I WILL also be running a messenger room at the same time for those folks that can’t be here in person.

SnailLUG August Meeting

It is time for our August get together. It will be on a SUNDAY this month. ( next month will be Saturday to help accommodate those folks who often have Sunday conflicts) Brickfair Virginia is over, and it is time to plan for Brickfair PA ! ! ! The meeting starts at noon, because some folks are traveling 2 hours to get here. It will be mostly outside on our deck, under the awning. I will set up fans if it is hot outside.

Masks are required if you come into our house, but are not required outside. I WILL be wearing a mask the whole time. Some food and beverages will be provided. Feel free to bring something to share, but it is not required. Hope to see you all here. I will attempt to run a stream of the meeting for those who can not attend in person. Please RSVP (on FACEBOOK) so I can plan on how much food and how many chairs I need.

July SnailLUG Meeting

Rich and Linda are hosting the July SnailLUG meeting at their awesome store, Little Brick Gallery, in beautiful Stoudtburg Village. The meeting starts at noon, and goes till whenever. It was moved to the THIRD weekend, because of Blobfest on the second weekend. Kelly and I will be displaying some stuff inside the Colonial Theater. Hope to see you there too.
Feel free to bring a food or beverage item to share to this meeting, but you do not have to. There will be some food and beverage provided.
If you have any MOCs to share, we would love to see them… whether they are finished or just a work in progress.
IF I have some of your MOCs that I took to BrickWorld Chicago, let me know if you want me to bring them and return them to you at this meeting, or whether you want me to hang onto them for a while and display them at Brickfair VA or other future events.
IF you ordered anything through ColonialLUG, and it is paid for, and you would like me to bring it to you, please contact Mary and make prior arrangements for me to pick it up at BCBS. I will be there Tuesday, so it would need to be dropped off BEFORE then, and would depend on Zane’s work schedule.
There are many other interesting shops in Stoudtburg Village, if you or a family member wants to go for a walk , or shopping.
We will have a laptop set up with a FB Messenger room open, so that people who can’t attend in person, can attend virtually.

SnailLUG September Meeting

Anyway, the September SnailLUG meeting will be this SATURDAY , ( due to requests for a non-Sunday meeting ) starting around noon, and going till whenever. This is the best time to bring things that you need me to set up at Brickfair PA in our collab. We will have the Fairy Garden, as well as a Ukraine display, some DUPLO to remember Tony, and of course snails and kewl pop culture stuff.
Feel free to bring MOCs to show off, stuff to trade, food or beverages to share, games to play, etc.
IF there is enough interest, I will set up my laptop to stream in a FB messenger room.
Please wear a mask whenever you are inside our home. The meeting will mostly be held outside on the back deck, under the canopy, weather permitting.
Hope to see you here. PLEASE RSVP

SnailLUG November Meeting

The November SnailLUG meeting has been moved up a week early, because of a schedule conflict with Mepacon Game Convention. It is on a SATURDAY this month, to make it easier on some members who have a long drive and work early on Mondays.
The convention season is just about over for the year, but we will be attempting to finalize our plans for the Holiday display at America on Wheels.
Please bring your own folding chair, as seating is limited.
Some snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring a food or beverage to share, but you do not have to.
Heather has kindly let me obtain a case of the current collectable figs. We have some extras available, $5 each.
As always, if you place an order in my Bricklink store, I can bring it to the meeting, and offer you a discount too.

SnailLUG Holiday Party + Meeting

It is that cold miserable time of year again, when we celebrate Winter Holidays like Snailmas, Ducky New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Holiday, or what ever you want. The December SnailLUG meeting is on SUNDAY Dec 11, starting at noon, and going till whenever. Hosted by Sam and Vicki and their beautiful kitty.
There will be a gift exchange. IF you want to participate, please bring a LEGO related , wrapped gift , worth about $20, to the meeting. It can be a MOC, or a set, or just pieces. You can just buy a $20 set to bring, but the more unique the better. Discontinued or rare things, and awesome little MOCs, and DUPLO dragons or sharks are much more popular than just a current $20 set you picked up at the store yesterday.
Please bring a food or beverage item to share. Since this is a party, not just a meeting, please try to bring an actual pot-luck item if possible. That way we have something delicious to eat for lunch. Please please please post what you are planning to bring , so that we don’t just have 10 trays of brownies, and no main courses.
We will be discussing our current display that is at AoW, as well as planning future events.
Due to the cost of having a website, we will discuss having reasonable yearly dues starting in January.
Please bring Holiday themed MOCs to show off. If they have snails  or duckies  in them, they will be very appreciated.
I will set up my laptop to stream part of the meeting for those folks who can not attend in person.
If you need Sam and Vicki’s address, please message me, and I will send it.
Masks are optional, but please please please stay home if there is any chance you currently have Covid or the flu.
Please DO NOT wear strong perfume or cologne, as some members have allergies.
Hope to see ya there.
PLEASE RSVP (on facebook) and let us know what food or beverage you are planning on bringing.