SnailLUG meeting at Bucks County Brick Shop will be in personal and possible virtual LUG meeting.
Tag: SnailLUG
SnailLUG Meeting
Discuss Comic Con and Philly Brick Fest events coming up.
SnailLUG Meeting
There will be no meeting this month due to COVID-19.
Stay safe everyone.
SnailLUG Meeting
Meeting is cancelled this month due to the pandemic.
SnailLUG Meeting
Officers will meet to continue discussion of website and meetings during this pandemic.
September SnailLUG meeting ( online )
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month. Virtually for the time being.
Discussion to include upcoming events.
October SnailLUG meeting ( online )
Will be held on Facebook Rooms (messenger)
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month.
Topics of discussion to include the upcoming Halloween Brickworld virtual convention display we will be having.
November SnailLUG meeting ( online )
SnailLUG meets on the second Sunday of every month.
Discussion to include our club layout for the Brickworld virtual con held on Halloween and other club information.
Upcoming Events. AWO & Brickworld Holiday

2020 Brickworld Halloween
We attended the virtual LEGO con Brickworld Halloween on Halloween weekend this year. Very fun being able to hang out with fellow AFOLs from around the country (world) even if only virtually.
Below is a gallery of the SnailLUG haunted monorail/town setup put together by club members.
SnailLUG Meeting
Due to COVID-19 only small group of officers are meeting this month.